
Intelligent Image Classification Web Applcation based on Convolutional Neural Networks and the CIFAR10 Dataset : Image classification visualization interface, image classification front-end web page, image classification Demo display-Pywebio. AI artificial intelligence image classification-Pytorch. CIFAR10 dataset, small model. 100% pure Python code, lightweight, easy to reproduce.


Personal website: includes online project demonstrations.

🔔 If you have any project-related questions, feel free to raise an issue in this project, I will usually reply within 24 hours.

Project Introduction

Network structure used image

Screenshot of the effect

image image image

How to use

Python version 3.9

First install dependencies

pip install -r requirement.txt is the project entry point, run this file to start the server


Copy the link to the browser and open it image Click “Demo” to enter the Web interface image

After that, you can also click “Upload File” and select an image file from the example_img folder to upload and test

Project structure

    │  └─logs_import 
    │  └─logs